Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI)
Geoscy operates a state-of-the-art Advanced Geosciences Inc. (AGI) Supersting electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) system that can be deployed at a variety of scales. The equipment includes an 8-channel Supersting R8/IP/SP WiFi Meter. This multi-channel instrument can simultaneously collect 8 different measurements from 8 different potential electrode pairs in automated fashion greatly reducing data acquisition time.

We carry 112 electrodes and sufficient passive cable to spread them over a linear distance of 560 m (1837 ft). We can deploy 2 56-channel switchboxes and 200 m of extension cable for the switchboxes. For power, we use either 12V deep-cycle batteries or two AGI 120/220V AC-DC field power converters for a Honda 1000i generator. ERI processing software is AGI’s EarthImager 2D and 3D supplemented with Golden’s Surfer. ERI data is available in real-time using the Supersting WiFi connection to AGI’s tablet software.
An ERI survey involves hammering steel stakes into the ground and connecting them by cable to a resistivity meter that collects subsurface resistivity information in automated fashion.